Here are the myriad benefits of dragon fruit
Who doesn’t know dragon fruit? Its unique shape and delicious taste make this fruit attractive for consumption. Dragon fruit also has several variants, some are white and some are reddish-purple.
Besides being delicious, the benefits of dragon fruit are quite diverse. You may not have known about these health benefits before.
Here are health benefits of dragon fruit:
1. Rich in fluid content
Even though it lives in dry areas, the liquid content of dragon fruit is quite high. This makes dragon fruit one of the benefits of preventing dehydration, as well as providing a sensation of freshness when consumed.
This fresh sensation is what makes people like to eat dragon fruit, whether eaten directly, made juice, or mixed with other fruits as fruit ice.
2. Source of Iron
The benefits of dragon fruit are indeed extraordinary, one of which is a source of iron for the body. One hundred grams of dragon fruit contains 1.9 milligrams of iron or the equivalent of 11 percent of the total daily needs of adults.
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