How to Help Someone From Incident Trauma

Maybe we often ask what makes a person experience trauma? Trauma itself is an event that happens to someone whether it’s good or bad and is remembered until now. However, this time, what will be concluded is the conclusion of the trauma itself, such as a collision with a hard object, a fall, a sharp object, or a traffic accident. Therefore we must know what actions are appropriate to deal with trauma victims.

Read Also: Pertolongan Pertama Pada Korban Trauma dan Kecelakaan

Have you ever dreamed, if you were in a place where there were accidents in the vicinity that threatened the lives of someone, friends, relatives, and family happened before your eyes? What should you do? Did you know that first aid to victims of trauma quickly and correctly by laymen around the scene affected the victim’s safety level? Therefore, you may have to know a little about how to do first aid trauma victims, to minimize the situation worse:

First Aid to Victims of Head Because of Trauma

Head trauma is an emergency condition and can be a major cause of death.
Through this article, you can learn the signs of head trauma, as well as what you have to do to do first aid to trauma victims when an accident makes a head hit and can minimize the risk of losing someone’s life. Immediately contact the emergency department, if the person suspected of having a head injury has the following signs:

  • Changes in the level of consciousness / Decreased awareness
  • Vomiting
  • An unbearable headache
  • Short-term insomnia
  • Lost Balance
  • Different Pupil Size
  • Nose and ear bleeding
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Blurred View

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If the head injury occurs while waiting for an ambulance to help keep the injured victim lying down, make sure the head and neck remain straight. Do not move the victim unless it is needed, and do not occasionally move the neck of the victim who is experiencing a head injury. If the victim is a victim of a traffic accident who is wearing a helmet, the helmet does not need to be taken.
The second, try to stop the bleeding in the victim giving strong pressure to the wound with a clean gauze or gauze if present. But don’t try to put pressure directly on the wound if you suspect a skull fracture.